Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Thoughts on Difficult Clients

I haven't met any architect lucky enough yet to avoid Those Clients. You know the ones. The husband and wife that disagree on everything and put the team in the middle. The owner who meddles with the construction on site. The committee that can't make a decision. The client with an outrageously aggressive schedule.

Archdaily posted a cute graphic about some of the typical problem clients an architect (or really any design-based field) may run into. (Originally posted here on Digital Synopsis.)

A Field Guide to the Wonderful World of Clients, part I

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Women in the Built World Symposium: The Men's Perspective

The third annual Women in the Built World Symposium was held this past February in Chicago, and was better than ever. Among the panels were lectures on terra cotta restoration, roofing best practices, the renovations in the Old Post Office, and panels on advocacy and women in construction. One of the more encouraging panels was The Men's Perspective, a panel discussion among principals and presidents of an architecture firm, an engineering firm, and two construction firms. "But wait," you ask, "I thought this event was Women in the Built World - why do we need to hear from more men?"

Thursday, January 10, 2019

What the ...: An Ongoing Series

That feeling when you draw a perfectly buildable detail that gets rejected in May, and then after much sound and fury pursuing the alternate detail, is revisited as the new idea in the following January.

I just ... it is so frustrating to deal with these changes and on top of the changes the bad attitude and nasty remarks from the client, and then END UP RIGHT WHERE WE STARTED NINE MONTHS AGO.